Josh was our everything. He had a special joy for adventure. He loved trips to Disneyland, camping, swimming, water parks, horse therapy, and any other adventure we took him on. Going on adventures was Josh's greatest joy in life. Every experience was a treasure. His parents, Wade and Kathy, are making it their mission to keep this joy for adventure alive by sharing memorable and joyful experiences with kids in need. We created Josh's Gift to share the gift of joy in adventure with kids whose families do not have the means to visit fun places. Your donations provide the opportunity for kids in the greater Los Angeles area to participate in fun day trips, classes, therapies, camps, and lessons that would otherwise be unatainable for their families. Adventure isn't just about the destination, but the process—embracing the unknown, laughing through challenges, and growing with each new step.
In honoring Josh and his love for adventure we humbily ask for your donations in keeping his joy for adventure alive.
Interested in applying for an adventure?
Please email us for more info.
Join us in sharing joy and happiness one adventure at a time!